The Legend of Outer Wilds is a fan project about an alternate universe of Outer Wilds, with a medieval-fantasy twist to it, inspired by Zelda games. In this document, I will describe to you all of the ideas for worldbuilding, the characters, and the storyline that I had in mind, so you can imagine or create your own stories in this universe.
I might also add stuff later, if I suddenly get other, better ideas.
WARNING: This contains spoilers of both the main game and the DLC. If you haven’t finished the full game with DLC, you should not read this.Also reminder: This is a fan project. I am not related to Mobius in any case, and get no monetary gain from this. I just want to share this for free, for other Outer Wilds fans.Feel free to use this universe for your own stories, just make sure you credit me somewhere. ::)Special thanks to Cobalt, Carol, Time and Centaura for helping me with this project.Hope you enjoy!- Elwensà


The Legend of Outer Wilds happens in a world where the solar system is actually a series of giant flying islands, floating above an endless sea of clouds. In the center of all these islands floats a giant Crystal, source of all magic in this island system.Recently, a program was created to travel and explore the other islands.
The most recent traveler is a young Hatchling. As they chose Giant's deep as their first destination, they stumbled onto a Nomai statue, and got magically linked to it.
2 hours and 2 minutes later, the Crystal breaks apart, creating a giant shockwave that destroys everything in this system. Then the Hatchling wakes up.


THE OWLK CURSEIn this universe, not only did the Owlks used a signal-blocker to hide the Eye as much as possible, but they also casted a curse on the Eye which, if any living being gets too close to the Eye, it would turn every living being from this solar system into stone.As they retreated to a Dream world to escape reality, The Curse also turned the Owlks' corpses into undead, zombie-like creatures. They tied their very life forces to the curse, to make sure it would hold, and the universe wouldn't end. So as long as the curse remains, they remain, and as long as they remain, the curse remains. A magical feedback loop. The green fire, in this universe, represents their life force fuelling the curse.THE NOMAI’S LEGACYThe Nomai wanted to reach the eye, but couldn’t find it, due to the signal blocker. They spent years trying to find a way to locate it, and finally got an idea: send a magic artifact (similar to the probe), that will be sent randomly around this system. But, instead of creating millions and millions of “probes”, they decided to create one and create a powerful spell to go back in time. But, this being a very powerful spell, casted by the best Nomai mages, they needed to accumulate the energy from the Crystal - even at the risk of making it implode.As they first tried to use the Crystal to activate their “probe”, the Crystal didn’t explode. Their project failed. But even worse, the Crystal created a shock wave, activating the Owlks’ cursing spell. But though they noticed it too late, the Nomai did see it coming, and they started casting their counter-spell. Before their spell could take effect, they were turned to stone, leaving behind their petrified body. The Hearthians, believing the Nomai were a god-like race, thought their statues were shrines, and started praying to them and giving them offerings.Since most creatures in this universe lay eggs in water, creatures like Hearthians and bugs were able to survive and thrive.The Owlks' Curse also left behind a substance that, if in contact, will first injure you, then will make your body crumble and turn into dust. Hearthians refer to it as Ghost Matter. It can be detected due to the magical aura it emits.

“BLISSFUL IGNORANCE”The half-finished spell lingered, and unfinished magic can have dangerous, unpredictable effects. Eons later, as the Crystal was close to the end of its life, Gabbro found the statues of the Nomais who had been in the process of casting this spell. One of the statues’ broken magic chose them as a target and caused the time loop, trapping them in it.Gabbro spent an awful long time trapped in the time loop. Their traveling bug got lost, and if by chance they manage to find it, going home serves no purpose since no one believes them. This caused a major effect on their mental state. As they were trapped, Gabbro only found a few clues of what’s going on, and went to the conclusion that the Owlks were responsible for their demise. So they get ruthless everytime they see an Owlk zombie.After a long time, Gabbro started noticing that the new traveler would often start their journey by going to Giant’s Deep. Lonely and unhinged enough to drag Hatchling into the loop with them, they spent loops trying to slowly lure the Hatchling to one of the Nomai statues.


I know that the Outer Wilds devs really like the Zelda franchise, but I also know that they didn’t like Skyward Sword that much… So let’s make this universe very much like Skyward sword! He he!This equivalent of the solar system is instead a series of flying islands, floating in the air, above an endless sea of clouds. No one knows what’s under the clouds, no one managed to go through it.THE CRYSTALIn the middle of all those islands stands a giant, floating cristal, source of all magic in this island system. It’s the magic from this crystal that keeps all the islands floating.
During the time loop, the Crystal will slowly become unstable, start cracking, and will explode. The release of the magic will first release a giant shockwave that will destroy everything in its way, and then every piece of the islands left will stop floating, and everything will be crashing under the sea of clouds.
While magic is present everywhere in this universe, the crystal is so dense in magic that, if too close or in direct contact with it, your body will literally implode.
TIMBER HEARTHTimber Hearth is an ensemble of small islands, close to one another, and all linked by bridges that the Hearthians built. It is believed that TH was once a big island by itself, before being broken apart.
Timber Hearth is a peaceful place, a mix between the actual TH and Skyloft. Some islands are quite big (like the one where the village is) and some smaller.
Timber Hearth's ecosystem consists in Hearthians, different kind of fish, and bugs of different sizes, from as small as a firefly, to as big as a space ship. Those bugs are not aggressive, but it can take a lot of time and skills to domesticate them.
When it comes to plants, what can be found on TH are mostly pine trees, but Hearthians also farm all kinds of vegetables, and harvest fruit bearing trees.
Timber Hearth also has a lot of rivers and small ponds, with waterfalls falling from one island to another. Some islands also have small geysers.
It is also common to find Nomai shrines and ruins on the Islands of Timber Hearth. Nomai used to have portals to travel from one island to another.
THE ATTLEROCKThe Attlerock is an island close to Timber Hearth, but not close enough to be connected to Timber Hearth by a bridge.
The Attlerock is more lively than the original one. Even though it's still mostly rock, it has a lot of fruit bushes that the "Scout" beetles and "Traveling" beetles love to eat from. This is the reason why Esker is located on the Attlerock, to raise and domesticate beetles for the Outer Wilds Ventures.
BRITTLE HOLLOWBrittle Hollow is a big, volcanic Island that slowly shatters into small pieces. Some of those pieces still float around the main island, and some of them fall under the sea of clouds.Even though Brittle Hollow is quite dangerous, it also has a few occasional zones of grass, plants and water. That's how the Nomai survived. Unfortunately,
The Nomai have also created multiple warping zones, just like in the original game.
Brittle hollow is quite a dangerous place. You have to be well equipped to explore here.GIANT'S DEEPGiant’s Deep is nothing more than a big basin of salt water surrounded by clouds. A never-ending storm around Giant’s Deep is hiding most of what’s happening inside, and constant rain is pouring out of it. The only things you can see from outside are the waterfalls and sometimes a flying island.Giant’s Deep consists of a huge ocean with many smaller islands floating on it. These islands are made of forests of tough trees and muddy sand. Often, the many tornadoes will fling those islands out of the storm, before they fall back in the sea. It’s quite dangerous to explore this island if you’re not prepared for it.
It’s even harder to explore underwater. When you’re past the strong currents, you can find giant, electric jellyfish, as well as some pretty unfriendly abyss creatures. Not as bad at the Bramble, but still not very fun.
You can find a lot of Nomai equipment and workshops in Giant’s Deep, as well as many Nomai statues. One place in particular has a group of Nomai statues that seem to be in the middle of a ritual…THE HOURGLASS TWINSThe Hourglass Twins are made of two islands, Ash Twin being on top of Ember Twin.
Ash Twin, when full of sand, looks like a long desert on top of a rocky funnel. sands goes down the funnel and into Ember Twin. When empty of sand, you can find a series of small towers, and a dome made of thick, starry stone.
Ember Twin looks like a big, wide volcano, filled with intricate stone walls and tunnels. The Nomai having installed their town at the bottom of the island, they created a dome over the cavity to keep the sand away. It has since been broken and sand slips in the gaps of the dome, filling the planet slowly with sand. At some point, the sand will strangely go back up in a reverse waterfall.DARK BRAMBLEDark Bramble is a big island covered of a heavy, hellish jungle. It's so dense that it's very hard to navigate, and easy to get lost in it. In fact, no Hearthians got into this jungle before Feldspar.
According to the stories, the Bramble used to be a cold desert, an island covered in ice, before getting infected by an invasive seed. This seed spreaded all over the island, creating a dangerous ecosystem.
Over the centuries, the seed also poisoned the few animals that lived on the island. You can be attacked by giant centipedes and all kinds of different aggressive bugs, or by giant anglerfish if you get too close to the few ponds. Some plants are carnivorous and can move to get you. And, worst of all, some old corpses of Nomai and Owlks can be found walking around, controlled like an ant by a fungus, and they will attack you.
While it's not impossible to survive (Feldspar is the proof of it), it is not pleasant to walk around in there. The air is heavy and moldy.
THE WANDERERThe Wanderer is a strange island flying around, and it disappears when you look away. It is covered by a thick layer of clouds.
Inside the planet, it's basically a natural maze, with all its elements moving around when you're not looking at them.
Instead of a Quantum tower, the Nomai dug a cave, where you can find Solanum.THE EYEThe Eye is very similar to the original game, but is described more like an actual entity / deity by the Owlks and the Nomai. It is up to you to imagine it as something similar to the original game, or as a creature, or a literal God.


THE HEARTHIANSThe Hearthians are pretty similar than in the original game, just a little bit less on technology. They spend most of their time farming, fishing, cutting wood and making sap wine. Every night, they meet up around the campfire and celebrate, playing music and telling stories.Since there are a lot of bugs living on Timber Hearth, it’s very common for Hearthians to domesticate the smaller ones. Most of them have their own pet bug.Unlike the two other races, Hearthians are not that good with magic, and will mostly not rely on it at all, or use artifacts of the ancient civilizations.
Hearthians are very superstitious about magic. They believe that their race wasn't made to practice it, that's why they see the Nomai as some kind of God-like race.
Since the Hearthians think so highly of the Nomai, they usually use the statues the Nomai left behind as shrines. They usually make offerings to them and sometimes pray to them for good luck.Of course, Hearthians don't see all kinds of magic in a good way. Ghost matter is a very good example of magic the Hearthians fear.

THE NOMAIThe Nomai were a race present in the Islands System before the Hearthians evolved. They look similar to the original Nomai, but most of them have a fuller, bigger mane.Unlike the Hearthians, they had a really close relationship to magic, and mostly rely on it in their everyday life. They're excellent spellcasters, and their spells are mostly telekinesis, element manipulation, and healing.Their different clans travel the endless sea of clouds, finding different islands and sources of magic, and rejoin to celebrate their discoveries every 10 years.Similarly to the original game, they were guided to this Island System due to a wave of magic sent by the Eye, and lost their vessel in the heavy jungle of Dark Bramble.As they got stuck on the different islands of this system, they tried to find ways to get to the Eye.

THE OWLKSThe Owlks are a race who were there even before the Nomai. Visually and culturally, they look very similar to the original game, without the technology. They have a very shamanic feel. They have their own kind of magic, often represented by a green fire. They could use magic in combat, but will mostly use spears and bows. They have the strongest type of magic out of the two other races.Owlks can be found in two different situations: you can either fight them as their undead form where they will attack you like zombies (similar to a Draugr in Skyrim) , or find them in their dream world, where they look and act very much alive.How they found the Eye and how they went to it is very similar to the game. It changed when they discovered the true intentions of the Eye. They instead cursed the Eye and used their powerful magic to create an alternative Dream World, where their spirits retired.After that, they created multiple hidden sanctuaries all over the different planets, where they slowly died. It is possible to join their dream world, in a very similar way to the original game. In this version, their artifact is not an object they carry, but a mechanism they literally stick into their torso.


Additional informations on the Hatchling:- Their flying bug is inspired by the Goliath Beetle. This one is simply called Traveler.- The Nomai they connected to was Yarrow.- Due to the connection, when they use Nomai objects/magic or read Nomai text, their eyes start glowing purple.- Due to the Owlks' curse, if the hatchling is far enough to not get hit by the Crystal's explosion after time is over their body will slowly turn into stone, and the loop will reset.

Additional informations about Gabbro:- Like said in the description, I wanted Gabbro to be a nuanced character, by designing them more like a Zelda villain. Since they also are on Giant’s Deep, where there is just water everwhere, I also wanted to stay in the Zelda theme by giving them a Zora feel. This is why they are a bit less… clothed than in the actual game.- Just like the Hatchling, Gabbro has purple glowing eyes when they interact with Nomai magic or text.- Gabbro and the Hatchling very often clash due to Gabbro’s mindset. They fight often, but it always resolves in the end. They have to look out for each other.- It is revealed later in the story that Gabbro influenced the Hatchling to get stuck into the loop as well. Everytime the loop started, the Hatchling would start on Giant’s Deep, and they spent multiple loops to figure out how to get the Hatchling to follow them to a statue. They did this out of despair and loneliness. This will lead to a big fight between the two, bigger, bigger than usual. Fortunately, it will eventually resolve as well. Like said before, they have to look out for each other.- Gabbro’s flying bug is a giant mantis called Soothsayer. But Gabbro instead calls it Big Buddy, or Flying Friend.

Additional informations about Riebeck:- While Gabbro has more of a Zora look, I wanted to give Riebeck that “Goron” look, to stay in the Zelda vibes. They’re very much a gentle Giant. They don’t like to fight, but they have to, to stay safe, because Brittle Hollow is a pretty dangerous place. And despite all of that, they are a very good fighter.- Riebeck is awfully scared of heights. And with an island that is constantly falling apart, it can be quite scary…- Riebeck’s flying bug closely resembles a big bumblebee. Its name is uh… Bumblebee.

Additional informations about Chert:- Chert doesn’t like the idea of having to fight and kill creatures to explore their system. For that, they refuse to carry a weapon. Because of that, they use their scout bug, Pathfinder, a lot. You can push them to be a little bolder, but it might get them in danger. But it also makes them less aware of the decline of the Crystal.- Chert plays a different kind of drum called a Tabor.- Chert’s flying bug looks like a dragonfly. They can stay in stationary flight for a very long time, so Chert can map the islands from above. Their name is Sun’s Eye.- I hesitated to give Chert a bow or a slingshot that they would only use in extreme cases. Your choice if you prefer them with or without.- Their design is not inspired by the Zelda franchise, but by Cha-Cha from Monster Hunter Tri

Additional informations about Feldspar:- While they were missing, some Hearthians actually believed Feldspar managed to go through the sea of clouds. Some thought what’s beyond the clouds was so beautiful that Feldspar never wanted to go back, some thought the Feldspar couldn’t go through the clouds again and was stuck, … and some simply thought they joined the Ancient Glade while trying (aka they think they’re dead.)- Like said in the description, despite the creepy appearance, Feldspar stayed their typical self: Pretty nice, fanciful, and quite upbeat all the time. Despite the years of isolation, they’re still sane and aware. It’s like talking to a happy zombie! It might freak out the Hatchling from time to time.- While being their old happy, heroic Feldspar, they can get very serious when needed, and they also secretly very much miss home.- Since the harmonica is not very medieval, Feldspar instead plays the Hurdy-Gurdy, or the Pan flute. Your choice.- Feldspar’s flying ship is a wasp beetle. Unfortunately it died when Feldspar crashed in the Dark Bramble. You can find its remains somewhere in the cursed forest.

Additional informations about Esker:- From a video game perspective, since Esker is not a fighting ally, or an explorer, I wanted them to be more of a "support" character by making them a healer: they grow medicinal plants and knows how to use them. Go to them if you need some help.- Esker, while not being Gossan or Slate, knows a few things about fixing your equipment, as well as your flying bug's gear.

Additional Hearthian Characters:Gossan
Gossan is, in this universe, in charge of teaching the newest recruits to fly on their flying beetle, but they're also teaching them how to fight, and defend themselves. They're an excellent fighter, and was the second Hearthian explorer of OWV.
Slate is the blacksmith and the armorer of this universe. Their goal is to build armors and equipment for the explorers, as well as equipment and seats for the flying beetles. They also take care of the flying beetles in general, while the scout bugs are taken care by Esker.
Hornfels' role in OWV is to collect the findings of the other explorers, as well as collecting and archiving all informations on the other planets.

Additional informations about Solanum:- Sola was meant to be very Zelda-like, especially inspired by Zelda in Spirit Tracks.- I said earlier that she also was turned into a statue. But another idea was that, as she was on her pilgrimage on the Wanderer, she got trapped into a crystal instead of turning into stone. Not only because it's more Zelda-like, but also because it explains why her spirit can escape the crystal. Now, why she is turned into a crystal instead of a statue? Well… I'll let you figure it out!- I think that, in her conditions, she can break the principle of the loop, and remember everything from the moment the Hatchling frees her spirit.- I can't decide if she and the Hatchling understand each other because her state removed the language barrier, or if the hatchling actually has learnt how to speak Nomai language.- From a personality point of view, she is very calm, gracious, ethereal and very royalty-like. But she sometimes has little instances when she acts like a simple teenager.

Additional informations about The Prisoner:- I mostly refer to him as Kae, because Kaepora was too obvious of a reference.- I decided to make him male. Feel free to change that if you prefer it otherwise!